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Identifies risks and structure cross-border transactions to mitigate national security problems, then helps build strong government-business relationships.

Today, scrutiny of cross-border transactions is stricter than ever before.  Experts on national security and foreign investment companies as well as their financial and legal advisors must consider national security implications from the very outset of the deal structuring and negotiation processes. They must also be prepared to respond to government concerns and mitigation demands once the review process is underway.


As an expert resource on national security and foreign investment in the United States to companies and their financial and legal advisors, the following services include:


  • Evaluating potential transaction partners from a national security perspective
  • Assessing a transaction's potential for enhancing federal business and increasing revenue
  • Conducting due diligence
  • Identifying sensitive assets and contracts
  • Interacting with key national security officials early in the transaction process
  • Anticipating government concerns and responses to proposed transactions
  • Devising mitigation strategies that meet business demands while satisfying government concerns
  • Defining ways to turn mitigation measures into revenue opportunities
  • Acting as outside advisors and directors with security clearances to meet CFIUS or National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) requirements
  • Advising on technical, cultural and political matters pertaining to the Middle East and Africa. 

International Entities

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